They say, two alpha males can’t work together… Now we are three. We call that democracy.
Maleeq Oz, the Gipsy, the dervish among the beauty experts. And a truly outstanding human being. Ralf Baumann, the experienced It-Expert, Sales Manager and Creative free spirit who gets extremely bored if he’s not cooking on three stoves simultaneously. Oliver Julius, the advertising film director, who’s given creative and marketing advice to clients for so long that he feels it’s time to apply it to his own brand.
That’s the collective. We all have big jobs, families, responsibilities, little time. Leaving our comfort zone doesn’t scare us. It excites us.
Maleeq developed a small, but fine cosmetics line in 2016, which, like so many, suffered greatly due to Corona. Sales slumped, employees laid off… the usual.
A year ago, the three of us didn’t know each other. But when we met, we knew we had to do THIS together.
Nice to meet you!
Our Motivation
The Wizard of Oz, who does not know him. The thought of him Is a childhood memory, a velvety feeling, a smile, a lightness that all too often we hardly remember.
When we made the decision to revive Tan of Oz, we got a lot of criticism. Partners, friends, our kids – they all expected something other than ‚tanning‘ from our all-night 2020 debates. They would have loved to admire us, instead there is something no one really needs. A spray. A mousse. That’s it.
But does that make it less important?
Beauty products are not revolutionary, you don’t need them to live. You don’t need so many things, but they are essential.
How does it feel after a hot shower? When you come back from the hairdresser? The night of the first date? A good body image is so important. It leads to harmony and self-confidence, serenity or excitement that our cheeks glow. Depending on the occasion. And we haven’t talked about self-love yet. Our own beauty is elemental to what we want to achieve.
We don’t need it to life, but for us.
As simple as the idea is, that is our motivation! We want to show the existing beauty of each individual with many people, who in the best case become friends. We want to awaken cheerfulness, also sensuality. We realize all this with great care, taking into account the given circumstances and climate-neutral possibilities.
The Wizard of Oz brings us a laugh, he can’t do anything else, but he does it well.
And isn’t the thought wonderful: the last thing the earth sees, in the evening, when the sun goes down, are happy people who are comfortable in their skin …
Day after day.
What is beauty? What does it mean to us?
We believe every person is beautiful through her or his personal and unique radiance. But we do not believe in an ideal of beauty. An ideal has a definition, it‘s limiting and excluding.
But true beauty has no limits, no boundaries. Beauty is multifaceted and can change every day, every hour, every second.
Beauty is always connected to your moods, your feelings which are sometimes more, sometimes less strong. Feelings which compete with each other, sometimes enhance each other. And sometimes one feeling can just drown out everything else.
Beauty is not always obvious. Sometimes you have to look for it…. but it is never the simple reduction to the perfect body, the right curve of the eyebrow or the shape of the eyes.
Sure, beauty is something you radiate, when you feel good about yourself. But it’s also something the people who love you can always sense even under the deepest layer of emotions.
Beauty is about self respect. It’s magical. And this magical glow can sometimes even illuminate the people around you.
We believe in it.
„The Oz Collective“ is thoughtful
„Oz“ is our brand – the umbrella, the creative pool, represented by the brand ambassador Maleeq Oz. Both the brand and the artist Maleeq are exclusively contracted to The Oz Collective GmbH (ToC.Zone), which is run by Oliver and Ralf. ToC.Zone is located in Cologne. We are the translators of the „Oz“ brand and Maleeq’s ideas into the real world.
„Oz“ is life-style, not strictly needed. What we feel strongly about is that the environment is important. That’s why we’re as sustainable as possible and reasonable. So our customers can feel at peace with themselves using our products. We feel the more naturally relaxed we are about the environment we are trying to protect, the more we succeed.
Our environmental standards are high for what we produce. Just as high are our ethical views. We implement everything in the course of humanity.
In summary: The Oz Collective is thoughtful. When someone uses our products, they can be assured that we have taken the utmost care in producing them. A lifestyle product that fits our time and enhances the beauty of each person.